What is education? How does it differ from literacy? 

Most people think of education as sending their children to school to learn from textbooks, maybe play some sports and come back home. Is this enough, though? To learn the more subtle life-skills, it is important for students to experience something more, something challenging in order to grow as a person. Education isn’t limited to learning how to read and write; education is a holistic thing that students need to move ahead in life and to live as better human beings. Conventional schooling does impart bookish knowledge and a sense of discipline, but it has its limitations when it comes to learning social, interpersonal and ethical values. Such qualities can only be learned in a less formal environment, which is where outdoor learning programs help. 

To be able to glean the most from things taught at school, it is necessary to have undivided attention of the students. It has been proven through studies and research that having children engage in physical activities helps to improve their focus and retention. Activities that pull the students out of their comfort zones – rappelling, for example – trigger intense focus and concentration in the mind for self-preservation. The mind then learns to employ the same kind of focus in other challenging situations encountered later on, which could be during exams or competitions. Regularly having the students engage in challenging outdoor activities helps to replenish mental freshness and alertness, thus resulting in longer periods of focus and attention in classroom learning. 

Much like motivation, instilling sense of achievement among students helps them gain confidence in executing tasks at hand. In conventional classroom setting, there are limitations that prevent educators from exposing students to such softer kinds of confidence boosters. Through outdoor learning sessions, personality experts ensure that all the participants are engaged in challenges. Through inspirational words and encouraging pushes, experts get the students to complete challenges on their own – which achieves the goal of boosting their confidence in themselves. In the long run, it serves to produce increased participation from students at regular school. It may improve attendance as well. 
Outdoor learning for students is a great tool to enhance overall performance at an individual level. With Junoon Adventure, your institution gets the benefit of experience and expertise under one name. 

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