About Junoon Adventure

We welcome you to Junoon Adventure..

Let us take this moment to introduce who we are..

Junoon means ‘passion’ – a force that drives us to do what we do.  And this Junoon is what we offer to you – a frame of mind that will help you conquer you fears and achieve the impossible.

Spearheading the adventure and nature tourism movement in MP,  Junoon Adventures and Eco Tours Private Limited (earlier known as Junoon Adventure Sports Academy) has been providing thrilling experiences to individual, group and corporate travelers since 1999. With an extensive team of certified adventure instructors and a huge knowledge base for adventure tourism in central India, we provide high end trekking, camping, rock based adventures like rappelling and rock climbing, spelunking, high and low line rope course activities and other land based adventures. We also organise and conduct Himalayan Camping programs under the brand name JT2 – Junoonis Trek to the Top in which we explore a new location for the event every year.

Known for our signature ‘caring and supportive’ approach, we have helped clients from all age groups in trying their hands on different adventure experiences with our oldest client being 65 and youngest being 3 years in age. We specialize in family style adventure eventsHimalayan trekking and camping along with adventure based corporate workshops with a client base that hails from all over India.

A house for all type of Nature and Adventure Vacations and Outing solutions in India, we seek to address capacity enhancement and competency enrichment on the vehicle of experiential learning. For adventure activities like rappelling, canopy walking and backpacking across mountains to corporate management training, team building and stress busting programs, we really are the best you can ask for!

Why Junoon? - Our USPs

Junoon is an organisation run by people who are passionate for nature and adventure. With a zeal to explore new places and try new things, our team has been working in the Indian adventure industry since 1999, helping scores of thrill seekers in fulfilling their adventure dreams in and outside MP.  We are known for our ultra-safe and well managed events where top notch hospitality and a caring approach is used to create memorable experiences for adventurers and trekkers in the wild.

What makes us unique?

  • Huge range of adventure and experiential learning solutions
  • In depth knowledge, both of adventure as well as nature
  • Unmatched hospitality – you won’t find the likes of what we offer anywhere!
  • Creativity with which we make every event unique

On a professional front, Junoon Adventure is a MINISTRY OF TOURISM, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA CERTIFIED an ATOAI ACTIVE ADVENTURE TOUR OPERATOR with certified instructors and facilitators who possess more than 12 years of field experience.  Our team leader – Mr. Yog Chinmoy is a name that almost every adventure junkie and nature lover in town knows. His knowledge of Bhopal’s (in fact MP’s) terrain, geographical features, wildlife, plants and even birds in unparalleled. With the combined effort of all these stalwarts in the field of adventure tourism, Junoon Adventure organises top notch treks and camps around Bhopal, and even in the Himalayas, where safety is given prime importance. Every trek with us is a memorable !

Our Story

About two decades ago, when we were just starting out in the industry, adventure used to be like sanskrit – a language spoken by a learned few. Trekking and climbing were activities undertaken by just a handful of people who were born risk-takers, were exceptionally fit and were ready to take on any unknown challenges that the wilderness would throw their way.

And THAT is where we weren’t happy – why should adventure tourism be so limited? Why shouldn’t a child who has never seen a jungle before or a retired businessman who has never had time to travel be allowed to experience the thrill of completing a trek? Why should age, knowledge and risk-appetites be eligibility criteria for exploring a nature trail. Why can’t soft adventure tours be brought into the realm of everyone?

And so Junoon began… with the zeal in our hearts to help just about anyone and everyone to explore their abilities. So you have never trekked before in your life? Never paid attention to the unique song of a bird? Never seen an animal in its natural habitat? Never spent the night under the stars in the wilderness? Don’t worry – our team will make it happen for you.

Our philosophy of providing hand-holding support to clients and curating soft-adventure treks and camps across India is what makes us different from the others. No matter who you are and no matter what you have done till now, if safe adventure is on your mind, Junoon will make it happen for you!


In the two decades that we have been in the industry, our aims have been to contribute as much as possible towards developing the scope of adventure in Madhya Pradesh, scouting out new and more exciting adventure trails and help local communities find livelihood by providing them with capacity enhancement and skill-enrichment opportunities. Some of our achievements and successes over the years include:

Village Kathotiya

Our journeys into the wilderness around Bhopal have borne many fruits, but none are as close to our hearts as Kathotiya. The place was a true hidden gem for eco-tourism and adventure, and the people here were even more so. Junoon was instrumental in the development of Kathotiya as a hotspot for nature-based adventure tours, bringing its values in front of the mainstream media and training the people who lived here in the nuances of adventure tourism and hospitality. With our efforts, we were able to involve UNDP, CEE and NYK into the cause and develop hospitality skills, nature based knowledge and even send locals for Basic Mountaineering Course to Manali. The Kathotiya Model of development has been replicated in various similar government programs for creating community based livelihood opportunities through eco-tourism.

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Best Adventure Tour Operators Award 2016-17

Getting recognised for your hard work and efforts is always a good feeling. One such occasion came our way when the MP Tourism Awards for 2016-17 were announced and Junoon won the same in the ‘Best Adventure Tours Operators in MP (2016-17)’  category. Hoping to work even harder in future towards developing and promoting eco-tourism in the state.

Baaz Adventure Zone

With increasing government interest in adventure and nature based tourism in the state, Junoon was invited to promote and manage the newly created Baaz Adventure Zone near Bhadbhada. We actively worked towards developing the place as a prime location for adventure enthusiasts in Bhopal and organised various camping, trekking and adventure programs in the premises including residential camps for Nehu Yuva Kendra. The place was under our management for its initial 4 years of existence.

Mowgli Baal Utsav

With increasing government interest in adventure and nature based tourism in the state, Junoon was invited to promote and manage the newly created Baaz Adventure Zone near Bhadbhada. We actively worked towards developing the place as a prime location for adventure enthusiasts in Bhopal and organised various camping, trekking and adventure programs in the premises including residential camps for Nehu Yuva Kendra. The place was under our management for its initial 4 years of existence.