JT2 – Himalayan Trekking to Padhar Got

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himalaya trekking to padhar got

Strap your trek shoes on, and get ready: because you now have the chance to witness the beauty of pure white snow adorned with apple reds and rolling greens. Meadows upon meadows of wild flowers and grassland spread across Kugti valley, surrounded by snowy peaks, create a spectacle so enrapturing it will leave you speechless. Fragrance of the freshest of apples wafting down with the mountain zephyr, mingling with the sounds of waterfalls, will gently caress your senses and wake you up to a new level of being alive.

Junoon Adventure presents to you the trek to Padhar Got this summer – a trek to the apple orchards of India, to the land of Gaddis; a trek to beat the heat of the bustling city concrete, a trek that transcends all dimensions.

JT2  Padhar Got Trek – Himalayan Camping and Trekking Package

Net Package price per person (ex-Pathankot) – 5 Nights/ 6 Days

Groups (Min. 15pax)                                                                                                      | Individuals                                                                           |
  Prices on Request Rs.18000/- + 3.625% service tax

Click here for detailed itinerary

This summer, take a chill pill, and Trek to the Top with Junoon! Psst…the trek begins in May 2016– we’re counting heads.

Reserve your tent today! Call us 🙂

Click here to check out pictures of our past Himalayan Trekking Expeditions


[restab title=”Overview”]

About the majestic Kugti valley

IMG_5331One of the mightiest mountain ranges of this planet, the Himalayas, stand glorious and modest across the northern frontiers of India. Forming the largest range of the Inner Himalayas is the breath-taking Pir-Panjal Range, stretching across Himachal Pradesh, Jammu-Kashmir and Pakistan. This mountain range, as if to shower love and blessings to the earth, holds in its cupped hands the valley of Kugti – the destination of this particular trek. Scenery right out of paintings, with snow-covered mountains on all four sides, speaks of the unparalleled grace of Mother Nature. This trek will take the adventurers to a village that practically does not exist on any map of India – Padhar Got. Want to know more? Come trek with us!

What you need to know about the Himalayan trek…

The JT2 Padhar Got trek is rated moderately difficult. Set in the1476340_613969515327850_1181401953_n undisturbed lands of the Pir-Panjal mountain range, the trails careen in and out of meadows and apple orchards in smooth transitions. Along the mountain paths, the beautiful valley of Kugti reveals itself bare every now and then. Down on the bed of the valley, river waters flow untouched and unpolluted by Man. The valley is known for the confluence of rivers Khugati and Ravi. Excitement rises steadily as adventurers warm up with an 8-hour road-trip to Bharmour from Pathankot (Bharmour being the first milestone of the trek). From here, trekkers hop camps at different elevations. The last milestone of this trek is the un-findable Padhar Got – the mysterious destination discoverable only to yetis.

I want to go!

11040948_899875193403946_6655813690706119145_nThis trek spans 6 days and 5 nights. If your senses have started tickling to experience sheer beauty, just navigate to the “Packages” section of this website to pick the itinerary which suits your schedule. People from a gazillion cities of India put their faith in us for trekking, and they always come back with smiles beaming like starlight! Pick your package and give us a ring. We’ll introduce you to your group leader.

Oh…almost forgot: we also do custom packages for large groups. When the Himalayas call, why come alone? Bring the whole army. Don’t worry. We serve TASTY FOOD. In the CAMPS.


[restab title=”Itinerary”]

JT2 – Himalaya Trekking to Padhar Got– Detailed Itinerary

Duration: 6 Days/ 5 Nights (ex-Pathankot)

Day 1

The party arrives at Pathankot. We drive to Kugti village in Bharmour (it takes 8 hours approximately via road). Enjoy the scenery, the mountain roads and people. We reach Lahal by evening – this is where our base camp is (and there is a river nearby!). We relax and have dinner, get familiar with each other over chit chat. We take time off and beat the travel exhaustion. We serve breakfast, lunch and dinner at 2200m height above MSL.

Day 2

Early day, people! Acclimatization trek today, to Kartik temple. This is about 3 kms from base camp, and 2800, AMSL. Trek back to base camp, followed by fun-filled adventure activities, exploration, rest and leisure. Breathe-in, breathe-out the mountain air and just detox those city fumes inside of you. Yeah, let it go. We serve breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Day 3

We trek to Camp 1 today, at Danoltu Top, 6 kms of steady rise. Arrival planned by late afternoon. Insane location with snowy peaks spanning 360 degrees of the camp. Enjoy sunset, rest. We serve breakfast, lunch and dinner at an elevation of 3100m AMSL. Whoo!

Day 4

Day of sunrise observation. Wake up to the purity of the first of sunrays. Trek to Padhar Got/Danoltu Dhar (9 kms, 3500m AMSL). Here we’ll have snow activities (yaay!), and of course, throw snowballs. Trek back to camp, rest. We serve breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Day 5

We trek back to base camp at Lahal, at a steady fall of 6 kms (2200m AMSL). Day packed full with adventure activities and memories of Kugti valley. We serve breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Day 6

Departure for Pathankot early morning. Drive for 8 hours. We serve breakfast only.


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JT2 Himalaya Trekking

Trek the Himalayas this summer with Junoon Adventure!
Call us on the following numbers to join :
+91-9826030969, +91-9993800886, +91-9826446044
or email us at info@junoonadventure.in

 Join the JT2 Padhar Got Trail. Just indicate your interest and give us your contact details below. We will get in touch with you ASAP.

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